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Have a look at page 85 in your Pupil's book and do activities 8, 9 and 10 in your activity book, page 69. Remember to answer the questions of activity 9 and copy your answers in the form of paragraph in activity 10. Follow the example of activity 8 and don't invent new sentences.

This is the work you have to deliver at ENTREGA DE TREBALLS in Clickedu. You can use the file below.


Watch this video and do the activities.


We are making our own smoothies today. Watch the video and create your own smoothie. Have fun!!!


We all know a lot about Dalí so we’ve got a new challenge for you. 

It’s time you checked all we’ve done during this course and you can create something new. 

There are no rules, it can be big or small, on paper, 3D, using different media (paint, pens, scraps, collage, crayons, chalk...ANYTHING you can find!) and techniques…it’s all up to you, the only instruction is it must be related to our artist DALÍ. 

You have de whole month of May to do it, but please, don’t forget about it. This will be the task you’ll have to deliver via ENTREGA DE TREBALLS (click edu) –You’ll just need to attach a picture of your creation -. 

Let's have fun!


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